Showing 76 - 100 of 106 Results
Hepaticae Bolivianae in Andibus Boliviae Orientalis, Annis 1885-6, A CL. H. H. Rusby Lectae ... by Spruce, Richard, Richard Sp... ISBN: 9780428464448 List Price: $7.97
Musci and Hepaticae of the Pyrenees (Classic Reprint) by Spruce, Richard ISBN: 9780483917606 List Price: $26.39
Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon & Andes: Being Records of Travel on the Amazon and Its Tri... by Alfred Russel Wallace, Rich... ISBN: 9780344064739 List Price: $51.95
Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon & Andes: Being Records of Travel on the Amazon and Its Tri... by Alfred Russel Wallace, Rich... ISBN: 9780344064722 List Price: $36.95
Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon & Andes: Being Records of Travel on the Amazon and its Tri... by Wallace, Alfred Russel, Alf... ISBN: 9781375968607 List Price: $17.90
Notes Of A Botanist On The Amazon & Andes: Being Records Of Travel On The Amazon And Its Tri... by Spruce, Richard, Richard Sp... ISBN: 9781376253009 List Price: $21.95
Notes of a Botanist On the Amazon & Andes: Being Records of Travel On The Amazon and Its Tri... by Spruce, Richard, Richard Sp... ISBN: 9781296510084 List Price: $30.95
Notes of a Botanist On the Amazon & Andes: Being Records of Travel On The Amazon and Its Tri... by Spruce, Richard, Richard Sp... ISBN: 9781375504768 List Price: $21.95
Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon & Andes: Being Records of Travel on the Amazon and Its Tri... by Alfred Russel Wallace, Rich... ISBN: 9780342796687 List Price: $21.95
Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon & Andes: Being Records of Travel on the Amazon and Its Tri... by Alfred Russel Wallace, Rich... ISBN: 9780342796694 List Price: $30.95
On Cephalozia (a Genus of Hepaticae) : Its Subgenera and Some Allied Genera by Spruce, Richard 1817-1893 ISBN: 9781015120532 List Price: $14.95
Notes of a Botanist On the Amazon & Andes: Being Records of Travel On The Amazon and Its Tri... by Wallace, Alfred Russel, Alf... ISBN: 9781375610490 List Price: $21.95
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